Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Big Trip - Part 2: Seattle

Hi everyone!  After visiting Grandma and Grandpa in San Antonio, I went with Mommy and Daddy to Seattle to see Uncle B and Aunt Elissha.  Our first day in Seattle, Mommy, Daddy and Uncle B took me to Seattle's Children's Museum.  Aunt Elissha met us there with her friend, Alex.   In front of the museum is a giant fountain.  When we first got there the fountain wasn't running, so Daddy went down to check it out.  Then, the fountain started all of a sudden and Daddy almost got soaked.  Mommy thought it was hilarious.

Inside the museum, they had a toy boat we could play inside. 

Daddy made sure we put our life preservers on before sailing away. 

They also had lots of blocks.  Uncle B was really good at making things with blocks.

I really liked the play kitchen. 

Daddy and Uncle B found some big blocks and built a house.  They were proud of themselves.

Right outside of the Children's Museum was the Space Needle.  We walked around it but didn't go up.  It was pretty impressive.

To get back to the hotel, we took the Monorail.  I was happy to take a ride on a choo. 

Later that day, we went to the Seattle's farmer's market.  They had lots of fish and fruit and other food.  It was really impressive.

Outside the market, there was a wall covered in bubble gum.  Mommy thought it was gross, but Daddy and Uncle B thought it was pretty cool 

The market had a statue of a pig that really impressed me. 

That afternoon, we went to the Seattle public library.  It was a really cool building with all sorts of weird angles and walls. 

Here I am doing a puzzle in the children's area of the library. 

That evening, we had dinner at a restaurant on a marina.  I liked looking at the boats.

After dinner, we went to Gasworks Park.  It's a giant park along one of the lakes that has the remnants of a gas works factory on it. 

Daddy, Uncle B and I had a rock skipping contest. 

The next day, we went to the Experience Music Project.  They had a huge structure made out of guitars. 

They had a lot of stations where you could learn how to play instruments,  Here I am working on some of my vocal skills. 

Here are a couple of videos of Daddy, Uncle B and me playing instruments.  As you can see, I had a great time. 

Here's the full video of me, Uncle B and Daddy in the studio (Mommy didn't want to post the entire video on the blog because she thought people would get bored with it, put Daddy demanded that the whole video be posted):

That afternoon, we took a boat tour of Seattle's lakes and the harbor. 

I had a lot of fun playing hide and go seek with Uncle B on the boat. 

We had some great views of downtown Seattle.

The next day, we went to Mount Rainier.  We were going to hike a path near the visitor center, but it was under 10 feet of snow!

We drove down the mountain a little bit to where there wasn't as much snow and hiked some trails there.  First, we went and saw a huge waterfall.

Then, we walked to several springs. 

Here's one of the streams created by the springs.

That evening, We went to Uncle B's apartment, and he made me a giant fort with his sofas. 
It was a lot of fun. 

On our last day in Seattle, I hung out with Aunt Elissha while Mommy, Daddy and Uncle B did the Seattle underground tour.  Then, before heading to the airport, we stopped by the REI flagship store.  Here I am sitting in a kayak. 

I had a great time in Seattle, and really enjoyed spending time with Uncle B and Aunt Elissha.  I can't wait to see them again!

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