Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My First Day of Preschool

I had a great first day of preschool today! Here I am this morning all ready to walk to school.

With my awesome froggy backpack for all my heavy schoolbooks. Just kidding! This morning all that was in there was an extra pair of pants! (Which I didn't need to use, yeah!)

When I got to my classroom, I went straight to work. Sophia, my neighbor, is in my class! I wasn't upset one bit when Mommy said goodbye, I was busy pretend cooking.

Here I am coming out of school. As soon as I saw Mommy, I smiled big and said "I had fun!" I told Mommy that I didn't cry at all, I had goldfish for a snack, we sang songs, we read books and we sat at the tables. My favorite part? "Playing!"

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fun with My Brother

Quinn's back in town and we're back to having a ton of fun. I'm big enough now for the jumperoo and I love it!

Look at these muscular thighs!

Quinn likes to show me how to use his old toys. He's very helpful in that way.

Usually I put his hand in my mouth, but this time he wanted to put my hand in his.

I'm really starting to move around a lot. I can't crawl yet, but I can pivot! If you put me down on the floor or in my crib, I'll be in a different place when you come back. Check out the complete circle I made on my blanket today:

Go me!

Now that I'm starting to eat solid food, we got the high chair out of the attic and cleaned it off on the deck. Quinn decided he needed to sit in it and remember the good old days.

And check out his tongue in the baby toy mirror.

Brotherly love! 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Quinn's Big Adventure

I'm back!
I had a great time visiting with Grandma and Grandpa Steve in Virginia; here are some pictures and videos from my trip.

Here's our little family before I left. I think they missed me a lot.

On my trip I also got to visit with Uncle Kevin and Aunt Olivia in North Carolina (and their cat, Beatrix, who I've mentioned more than a few times since I've been home), and Aunt Susan, Uncle Brian, and Grandpa George came to see me, too.

Grandma and Grandpa's house was full of cool stuff. Like this Disney puzzle.

And games and toys from when Daddy and Uncle B and Uncle Kevin were kids
And books to read

And a laundry chute! This might be my favorite feature. Since I've been home I've tried to convince Mommy to put in a chute in our house. We don't need one since our laundry room is on the same floor as our bedrooms, but I'm pretty sure I could find something to send down that chute.

I kept Grandma and Grandpa pretty busy during my visit.



And we celebrated Grandpa Steve's birthday

I had a great time on my big trip, thank you Grandma and Grandpa for a great visit!
Love, Quinn

Saturday, August 20, 2011

First Tastes

Today I got my first taste of real food.

I wasn't too impressed with the rice cereal.

But it was pretty fun, anyway.

I was much more intrigued by the spoon.

I tried to chew on it.

I didn't really need the cereal that Mommy kept putting on it.

Just wanted the spoon.

Success! I finally wrestled it away from Mommy. That white stuff coming from my mouth is the cereal I guess I was supposed to eat. I haven't really gotten that part down yet.

I guess I'll keep working on it!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Five Months Old

I'm five months old today!

I am an easy-going, laid back, smiley baby!

I'm pretty drooly...

I'm starting to sit up with some help,

And these days my mouth is usually open, hoping I can find something to chew on (gum on, I guess I should say).

I'm starting to grab everything I can get my hands on, usually to get it into my mouth.

Next up: solid foods here I come!