Friday, April 5, 2013

Logan is Two!

Now that I'm two, let's look back at how much I've grown this year:

And here are some things this two year old is doing:
  • I'm learning new words every day- my favorite thing to say is "one more," which I say to everything. And I don't always mean just one more, sometimes I mean lots more. 
  • I know lots of animals and their sounds. Right now, my favorite animal is "ducky."
  • I know lots of colors and shapes. Most things are "green" to me, but I'm getting the hang of naming colors.
  • I can run and sort of jump. 
  • I don't know exactly how tall or heavy I am (my check-up is later this month), but I wear size 18 month pants and some 24 month shirts. I wear a size 5.5 shoe. 
  • I don't like for anybody to sing- I'll say "NO!" as soon as you start to sing a song. (But it's ok to sing in music class)
  • I make lots of funny facial expressions. Most of them mean "I'm watching you..."
  • I love my brother (I call him "E"), but if he takes a toy from me, I'll probably swat him.
  • I like to do whatever anyone else is doing- if Quinn goes upstairs, I go upstairs. If Mommy puts salt on her potatoes, I put salt on my potatoes. If Daddy puts on his shoes, I try to put my shoes on.
  • I like to keep tabs on where everyone is. Several times a day, I'll say "Mommy, Daddy, E?" to check on everyone in my family. 
  • I love books, and I never read just one, I always want "one more". My favorite book is "Go, Dog, Go!"
  • I love sleeping in my big boy bed! I haven't fallen out or gotten scared at all. I like the freedom of being able to get out of bed anytime I want, too. Whenever Quinn gets up to ask Mommy or Daddy a question, I get up with him and tag along downstairs, thrilled to be out of bed. 
  • And so far, I love being two!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

More Easter

Last Sunday, we woke up and saw that the Easter Bunny had come!

We got some books, placemats, coloring books, bubbles, and some treats.

The Easter Bunny also hid some eggs around our house, so we had to go hunting for them.


Then we got ready for church and tried to get a nice picture of us together.

After church, we played with some of our Easter basket treats. 

Happy Easter!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
We'll add more pictures later, but here's the best one we took:

And then there's this one:

And this one...

So hope everyone had a happy Easter!