Saturday, December 22, 2012

Counting Down to Christmas

We've been very busy getting ready for Christmas! And we're so excited that it's almost here. The very first thing we had to do was to get my very first official haircut so I would look good for the season. Here are the before pictures:

I was ok at first...
but then she actually started cutting my hair. I just tried to get out of her reach.

Finally I gave in and sat still. Overall, I did pretty great!

And I looked spiffy in time to take our Christmas card photo. We tried to get some good pictures at the park. Just don't look too closely to see how dirty we actually are...

Grandma came to visit and she helped us make gingerbread cookies.

Then one night we got into our Christmas pajamas and went out to look at the Christmas lights. It was so cool!

At my "school" we performed a Christmas show for our parents. We did it two times- on Friday our friend Ms. Cheri (Violet's mom) took pictures of me and on Monday, Daddy came and took a video. My class was the animals in the stable with Jesus. I was a cow.

Both times I sat very nicely (amid the chaos) and watched everything going on. At home, I'll do all the hand motions to the songs, but in the program I (and every other kid) just sat and watched. 

My shining moment was when we all got up and danced with scarves to "Camel Caravan". Quinn came to join me then, too.

And here's a little bit of the video from the Monday performance. I'm wearing a black sweater. Here's a snapshot to help you find me:

And now we're in Virginia with Grandpa George waiting for Christmas to get here! 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
We spent a quiet day hanging out at home for Thanksgiving. While Mommy was cooking up a storm, we found a new hiding place under the table.

Dinner looked good- I even said, "wow!" when I saw the table all set.

Logan and I didn't eat much, but Mommy and Daddy seemed to enjoy themselves. (We also had nicer clothes on before, but we didn't eat until 6:00, so they got dirty.)

Our favorite part was dessert- and Logan licked everyone's bowls clean.

You should never leave a bowl of ice cream unattended in this house!

Last week, I performed in a special Thanksgiving program at school. We'd been working on these songs for weeks in music class and I sure knew all of them! The video is pretty bad, but you can still hear our wonderful singing. When you watch the video, I'm in the back right. Look for me in my "Indian" get-up and a red shirt. Here's a little visual to help you:

After the program, Mommy and Daddy came back to my classroom for a little party. Here's a potato turkey I made.

And here's our class "Thankful Quilt." We each drew a picture of something we were thankful for. Most kids said they were thankful for their mom or their dad or maybe their friends.

I was thankful for "Ants in the Pants!" It's a game I got last Christmas.

But somewhere deep down inside I know that I'm thankful for my Mommy and my Daddy and my brother and all of you!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fun Fall Phone Photos

We haven't had much time for blogging lately, but here are some pictures from Mommy's phone that will show you what we've been doing...

I got a puzzles badge from preschool...

Logan sat on me...

And Daddy sat on Logan!

Logan and I made ourselves some sandwiches...

I had a playdate with my class at the playground...

Logan looked pretty cool on a big wheel...

We had fun in the bath...

Logan helped Mommy make some cookies for his "school" class...

We went to a friend's birthday party and Logan discovered chalkboards...

We had a special movie night...

I found a pretty good spot for hide and seek...

We went to the playground today...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Fun

It's Halloween!
This year we both went as Spider-Man.  Quinn spends so many non-Halloween hours in his costume, it seemed the right costume choice for both of us.

Last Friday we got dressed up to go to the Fall Festival at our church. But first, a little photo shoot.

 They had cool bouncy toys in the church gym. Quinn's favorite was the pirate ship.

My favorite was the little kids' area with an awesome slide. I spent about an hour climbing up, sliding down, climbing up, sliding down. I had a ball!

On Monday, we carved our pumpkins. I liked helping Daddy with the cutting part. But not the scooping out guts part.

Here I am and here's Quinn back when he was one!

For Quinn's pumpkin, he wanted a Spider-Man pumpkin. No surprise, there! Mommy made him a pretty cool one.

And today was finally Halloween! Quinn has been counting down the days. We dressed up again (plus some extra layers underneath- it got kind of cold!) to go trick-or-treating.

Quinn's smile got a little cheesy.

As always- monkey see...

monkey do!

We went trick-or-treating with our new neighbor, Rowan.

I figured out what to do pretty quickly. I even said "Thanks!" to most of the people. (My "thanks" sounds a lot like "Dee," but I'm still using my manners.)

Our friends the Flakes came, too. They dressed up as Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Captain Hook, and Wendy!

We all had fun!

Daddy let me have some candy...

Quinn hit a lot of houses, but finally got tired. We had a great night and now we have tons of candy to enjoy!

Happy Halloween!!