Sunday, November 13, 2011

Preschool Progress

I've been in preschool now for over two months, and boy have I learned a lot!

Mommy and Daddy had a conference with my teacher and she told them about everything I'm doing at school. She said I have really matured since the beginning of school. I'm learning to keep my hands to myself, I'm learning to help clean up (and I am very careful to put everything back exactly where it goes), and I can focus for longer and longer periods of time.  I'll even sit and do my artwork for longer. Overall, she happens to think I'm a pretty awesome kid!

Here's some of my artwork:



 Mrs. Burn was very proud to tell Mommy and Daddy that I can read most of my friends' names!
I'm learning a lot at home, too. I can read and spell lots of words now. Here are all the words I can recognize:

And thanks to my computer games:

If you ask me to spell "we," I know it's spelled "Wii"

I sing the alphabet song all the time now (even though sometimes L M N O  sounds more like "Elmo") and I even know what sound most of the letters make. I ask how to spell all kinds of words and I can usually guess what the first letter is.

Last weekend, Grandma and Grandpa were passing through Atlanta and they hung out for the weekend.

I got tickled a lot while Grandpa was in town.

They brought a Care Bears movie for me and Mommy brought out her old Care Bear that I have since taken to carrying around, sleeping with, and reading to. Today I even said "I think my bear wants to play golf." (In an effort to get Daddy to play golf with me.)

And just for the heck of it (and because all the pictures of me are blurry since I never stop moving), here are some pictures of Logan taking a bath.

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