Before the wedding we had some time to enjoy the beautiful weather. Logan and Daddy read a book.
And look at Logan sitting up like a big boy!
Before the wedding we got to visit with lots of family. Here's Logan with Grandpa George.

And I showed everyone my puzzle skills. Here we are with Great-Uncle Dick. One time he was in the other room and I asked Grandpa George where his baby brother went. That's what I call my brother, so I assume that's what everyone else calls their brother.
The day before the wedding we went to the rehearsal. We got all dressed up and went to the country club to practice for the wedding. I had a pretty big job as the ring bearer, so I had a lot to practice. I actually didn't do so well at the rehearsal; I didn't want to go down the aisle and I screamed, "No!" a lot, but I started to figure out what I was supposed to do. When we finished the rehearsal, I said "The wedding's over?" Here I am running around with Emma, the flower girl (and my new friend).

Here's Logan's fancy outfit for the rehearsal dinner. You might notice there are more pictures of Logan these days. It's not
because he's cuter than me, it's mostly because I don't stay very still
these days. Sometimes I even say "No pictures!"
Here's Logan with Great-Grandma Maggie. I was very excited to see her again and Logan got to meet her for the first time. We were excited to see Great-Uncle Jon, too, but sadly we didn't get any pictures with him. Maybe he didn't stay very still, either.
Saturday was the big day and we got all dressed up for the real wedding.
Here's Logan and Mommy looking pretty sharp.

And here's our lovely little family.

Uncle Brian and Grandpa George

Aunt Susan, Emma the flower girl and Quinn the ring bearer. This is about the time I started to notice that when I get nervous I put my fingers in my mouth.

The wedding party

Just before the ceremony, Emma and I decided to let off a little steam.

And here's my big moment. I made it a little way up the aisle before I needed Mommy to join me. But at least I didn't scream, so it was mostly considered a success. In this picture you can't see my muddy knees, but while we were running around I tripped and rolled in the mud a bit. You can see my nervous fingers in my mouth, though.

But the important thing is Uncle Brian and Aunt Susan got married!

Logan enjoyed the ceremony.

He missed a nap or two, so he was pretty tired all day. Luckily Uncle Dick and Uncle Jon were on hand to walk him around during the reception.

While I was free to enjoy the wedding cake!

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