Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone!!
Guess what happened last night? Santa came!

When I woke up this morning, I was so surprised at all the cool stuff Santa brought.
Here's a (longish!) video from this morning.

Thank you to everybody else who sent presents. Santa isn't the only one who knows how to make a kid happy! Here I am working on my very own name puzzle from Great-Grandma Maggie.

And here I am jamming on some of my new instruments from Uncle B and Aunt Elissha.

The xylophone not only sounds great, but it's got great colors, too. I'll name them all for you (and then jam out to Jingle Bells):

Daddy gave Mommy an awesome new camera for Christmas, so pictures of me should start getting even more awesome (after she gets a lesson from Grandpa George, perhaps). Here's a picture with the new camera of me reading a new book.

After presents, Mommy made a scrumptious lamb dinner. I wasn't much interested in eating since I had so many new things to play with, but Daddy had seconds.

We actually had a bit of a white Christmas- it started snowing!

Here's the deck with a bit of a dusting. It kept snowing after I went to bed, so there might be a lot more snow out there when I wake up.

I love all my presents; I spent most of the day running around from one toy to another. The Buzz Lightyear phone was a big hit.

And so were all the Little People toys. I especially like putting the people in the elevator and making them go up and down.

Love my new binoculars! Thanks, Ian and Roxie!

So Merry Christmas, everyone! Hope you had as much fun as I did!

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