Hi everyone!
I wanted to show you some pictures from my music class. Mommy and I go to class every Monday morning at my favorite bookstore, The Little Shop of Stories- right in downtown Decatur. It's my favorite because they have a train set. Music class is upstairs, and it overlooks the train set downstairs, so I spend a lot of music class staring at the train set saying "Choo!" The class is called The Learning Groove and it's pretty groovy.
One week, a photographer came to class to take pictures and he let us share them with you. (Thanks Mr. Josh- www.JoshLamkinPhotography.com)
Here I am during class. I must be taking a break from dancing.

Here's one of my teachers, Mr. Michael. He's funny.
Here's my other teacher, Mr. Eric. He's singing while my friend Anastasia and I jam out on the big drum.
Here's our class doing the Hokey Pokey.
And here are the rhythm sticks. I love them! Mommy hates them because we have to sit still when we use them. I don't like doing that. If you notice, I'm in the center of the circle. All the other kids like to sit quietly in their mommy's lap. I prefer to run around and dance and maybe throw the sticks around some.
Here's a song with the parachute. I love to dance under it.
Yeah, music class!!
P.S.- Tonight's my first night in my big boy bed! I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!
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