Hi everyone! You'll never believe all the fun I had this weekend! We went to Charleston and stayed with Aunt Debi (technically Great-Aunt Debi, sometimes known as Awesome-Aunt Debi).
We did lots of fun stuff- we went to a barbeque restaurant that had fun doors to push open. We also went to a playground at Cousin Julia's house.
It was really hot outside, so we left the playground. Here we are in the car. Aunt Debi knows a lot of the same games Grandma does- "This Little Piggy" and that funny "Eye Winker" rhyme.

I had lots of fun playing at Aunt Debi's house. There were some fun toys to play with, but mostly I liked running around the house. I also made friends with Abigail.
Here I am playing football with Abigail. She likes to give kisses as much as I do. (By the way, I love my new football- it has the Piggly Wiggly pig on it. And my cool shirt in the picture above says "I'm big on the pig!") 
On Sunday, we got to visit with Harvey and Christine. They're friends of Great-Grandma Joy. We had a very nice visit with them; they have a great yard to run around in and a fun house to explore. (Don't mind the mean look on my face, I was just cranky.)
I had lots of fun playing at Aunt Debi's house. There were some fun toys to play with, but mostly I liked running around the house. I also made friends with Abigail.
On Sunday, we got to visit with Harvey and Christine. They're friends of Great-Grandma Joy. We had a very nice visit with them; they have a great yard to run around in and a fun house to explore. (Don't mind the mean look on my face, I was just cranky.)
At Harvey and Christine's house, I played with my favorite toy- the remote control! Here I am using it as a telephone.
And here I am hanging onto it even while upside down.
We had such a great time in Charleston! I was so pooped from having fun that when we got in the car to come home, I was asleep before I could even get my hand out of my snack trap bowl.
Thanks for the great visit, Aunt Debi and family!
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