Hi everyone!

My hair's been getting pretty long- here's a shot of the back (notice the lovely curls, courtesy of Mommy)

And here's one from the front- I've definitely had some pretty bad hair days recently.

So I made an appointment at the local salon for a haircut. There were tons of toys to play with, I got to sit in this really cool fire truck chair and wear a cool cape. The nice lady squirted my hair with water (which I did not like), then she combed my hair (which I really liked), and let me play with a comb. It was totally cool.
For like a minute.
Then, they informed me I had to stay in the chair! Don't they know how well I can walk now? There's so much to look at! Why would I want to stay in one place? Here's a video Daddy took of how the rest of it basically went:
And here are the after pictures:

Pretty suave, eh? I was cranky the rest of the day, so we couldn't really get a good smiling picture, but I'm sure we'll be able to take one in the next few days.
We're planning on picking up some pumpkins soon, so stay tuned!
I like the before and after photos!