Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Back to Normal

After we got back from our special trip visiting all our grandparents, we've been back to summer as usual.

Here's Logan at school with two of his lovely lady friends. He's quite the popular guy.

Here we are in our matching pj's. When Mommy put us to bed we were weren't dressed like this, but then we changed ourselves (I helped Logan) and came down to show Mommy. We've been staying up a little later in the summer, finding more mischief to get into...

We got a little pool to put on our deck to cool off in. Here's Logan fishing.

It's been really rainy here this summer, so any day it doesn't rain we try and head out to a fun park. We found a beautiful park in the middle of the city with cool hiking trails and a lake. We fed some ducks and hung out by the lake.

On our way back to the car, I found a new use for this bike rack.

This is another park we visited last week. It's right by the Chattahoochee River so we had a nice time watching the water and playing on the playground.

And we have fun just hanging out at home being silly.

We had a fun playdate with our neighbors on our big deck. Most of our old friends have moved away, and these are our new friends! (Can you see I'm fishing for Paige?)

Speaking of our old friends, we went to Sophia and Sylvia's party this weekend. It was a Candy Land theme. I was in heaven, but Logan was pretty upset that he couldn't have the chocolates in the big picture.

But he was ok after the cake. He shared with Violet.

I liked the slip and slide in the backyard.

And finally, the other day Logan and Mommy made muffins. He wanted to do everything "by myself" (he says that a lot lately), so things got kind of messy. The muffins were yummy, though!

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