We had a special day at preschool recently. We all got to bring our favorite teddy bear to school with us (I brought my favorite mommy with me, too). Then we read a story about teddy bears having a picnic. When we got back from the playground, all our teddy bears were missing! We had to go on a teddy bear hunt through the whole school to find our teddy bears. And guess what they were doing when we found them?! Having a picnic!
Here are some of my friends from preschool at the picnic (unfortunately I was sitting so close to Mommy, she couldn't take any pictures of me).
During our picnic, my teacher, Ms. Burn read us a story about going on a bear hunt.
We were all very intrigued by the story...
I was the leader of my class this day and that means I got to do all sorts of special things. I got to lead my friends to music class, I got to bring the snack, and during circle time I got to read all the days on the calendar. Here I got to choose a special way to shake our sillies out (usually we jump or clap)- I chose "like a banana" and Ms. Burn is trying to figure what I meant by that.
Thanks for reading about my special day at school!
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