Merry Christmas, everyone!
Last week, Grandma Pam came to visit. I helped her make Christmas cookies.
While Grandma was here, we celebrated an early Christmas. Here's our pretty tree. All the fancy ornaments are at the top, you'll notice. I thought that was a bit unfair.
And here's what Santa brought me! A cool kitchen and a cash register. I'm glad he had no hard feelings about our meeting at the mall.
Here's me on "Christmas morning" discovering my new toys
Grandma and Grandpa gave me a train set! With a remote control!
And here's the train all set up in my room. Calvin likes to sit on my dresser and watch the train go around.
Here's another toy I loved- a barn from Great-Grandma Maggie.
Daddy and I had colds and didn't feel so well. We had to take a break from all the excitement.
After our Christmas in Atlanta, we drove up to Virginia to visit with Grandpa George and celebrate Christmas on the 25th.
On Christmas Eve, Grandpa George read me "The Night Before Christmas" like he used to do for Mommy when she was little. The first few lines were very nice, but when I heard "Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse," it reminded me that I should be up and stirring, so I ran around while he read the rest.
That night Santa came again! He brought a cool trailer for Mommy or Daddy's bike so I can go with them on bike rides. I also got tons of cool stuff from everyone else. Here I am in my Christmas pajamas having a good time.

I opened my presents and helped hand out the presents to everyone else.

While I was at Grandpa George's house, I had a lot of important jobs to do.
I had to move the ornaments around so they looked better-I had to check all of the doors to make sure they were operating properly. And Grandpa George sure has a lot of doors!
I had to feed his dog, Winnie. Here I am mixing up some food and water for her:
And here I am sharing my peas with her:
Uncle Brian brought over his Wii games, so I spent a lot of time teaching everyone how to play. Here I'm showing Uncle Brian how to drum. I'm not sure why, but everyone kept insisting I use the drumstick only on the drum set. I had a ton of things I wanted to hit with the drumstick. But whatever...
We're back in Atlanta now, relaxing after our long drive. Thank you to everyone for all of the cool toys and gifts! Merry Christmas again!
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