Here's one of my new favorite toys, the remote control:

I love reading books. A couple of times a day, I pull books off the shelf and sit down to read. I generally turn the pages backwards or hold the book upside down. I find the story is more interesting that way.
Eating is a lot more fun these days- I get to get my hands pretty dirty. Here are videos of me eating my favorite foods: peas and bananas.
My toes taste pretty good, too.

Peek-a-Boo is a really fun game, too. Here's a video of me playing. You can't see it in the video, but Daddy was hiding behind the couch.
Our cats Noodle and Calvin are fun to play with. They usually run away when I come their way, but Noodle let me get really close this morning.
I've been thinking about walking lately. I haven't been too into trying since I can crawl really fast. Plus, I can always get Mommy or Daddy to pick me up. But here's a video of a tiny step I took. (UPDATE- I wrote that yesterday, but today, I took 4 steps!!! Mommy didn't get a video of it, but I'll keep trying!)
And finally, here I am playing in my rocking chair. I have a little trouble getting out of the chair, but it's fun most of the time.
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