Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hi everyone. Here's a few pictures from my Uncle Kevin and Aunt Olivia's wedding last weekend:

Here's me with the other Park men. I felt a little under-dressed, but my Mom thought my sweater vest was pretty sharp looking.

Here I am with my Uncle Brian and Aunt Elissha. I spent most of the dinner portion of the reception with Uncle Brian because neither one of us was very hungry.

Finally, here I am with my Grandma and Grandpa after the wedding.

Talk to you later,

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hi everyone. I went to my Uncle Kevin and Aunt Olivia's wedding last weekend and had a great time. Here's a video of me hanging out with some of my friends over the weekend.

And here's a picture of me after the wedding doing some work in my hotel room.

I'll post some more pictures from the past weekend soon.

Talk to you later,


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hey everyone. As I mentioned in one of my ealier posts, my Great Grandma Mosier can and visited me last week. Here's a couple of pictures of me with her.

Also, here is a video of me at Alyson's wedding. Hope you enjoy it.

I'll see lots of you this weekend at Uncle Kevin and Aunt Olivia's weedding. I'm really looking forward to it.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hi everyone! I turned 2 months old the other day, and my Mom and Grandma took a couple of glamour shots of me in one of my best outfits to commemmorate the occassion. Here's my close-up:

And here are a few body shots:

Next, here's me with my Mom and Dad

Finally, here's a couple of me with my Dad. My Dad acts pretty childish sometimes, but he usually makes me laugh.

Hi everyone.

For some reason I haven't quite figured out yet, every other day or so, my Mom and Dad take off all my clothes and dump me in a bucket of water. They tell me this is called a "bath" and that I need it to stay clean, but they never try to give our cats a bath, so I'm not sure if I believe them.

Here are a few pictures of one of these "baths":

Afterwards, I always tell my Mom and Dad that I don't like baths. Here is my trying to tell my Mom not to give me any more baths:

On another topic, both of my parents enjoy watching television. I don't really like television - I find most of the shows formulaic, artificial and contrived. There is one thing I do enjoy wathcing, however: the ceiling fan. Here's a picture of me watching the fan:

I try to watch the fan for about 30 minutes every day to make sure I'm not missing anything.

My Great Grandma Mosier is coming to town today, so I'm sure I'll have lots of great pictures to post in the near future.



Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hi everyone. I went to my cousin Alyson's wedding last week in Lexington, Virginia and got to meet lots of new people. On the way to the wedding, we stopped at Great Grandma's apartment to pick her up and give her a ride to the wedding. Here's a few pictures of me meeting her for the first time. I really like her bib. The two of us are going to make bibs the hot new fashion accessory.

I also got to meet my Uncles Brian and Kevin and Aunts Elissha and Olivia at the wedding. Here we are:

Here I am with the toy moose my Uncle Kevin game me.

Here's some pictures we took of the wedding:

And here's a picture of me with my Great Aunt Debi at the afterparty:

Finally, here's a few pictures of my playing with my Grandma back home.

I'm trying to upload the videos I took at the wedding but am having some technical difficulties. Hopefully, I'll be able to get these up soon though.
Talk to you later,