Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

The Dynamic Duo on Halloween

Happy Fall Y'all

This fall has been a busy one indeed.
I turned three and a half in September.

In October, we went to Pennsylvania to say goodbye to Great-Grandma Maggie. It was a sad occasion, but the good thing was we got to be together with family.

We went to a pumpkin patch with the whole family.  Here's Grandpa George with all of his grandkids.

On a hayride

Our California cousins- Ellie, Cary and Natalie

A cute kid for sale

Getting along like brothers do

 Milking a cow

Roasting marshmallows

 The big hit- the slide


Our new family member is a sweet kitten. We picked him out at the animal shelter. He really took a liking to Quinn.

Once we got him home, we voted on a name for him. Mommy and Daddy had silly ideas like Rocky or Smokey.

And I wanted to name him Phone Car or Mrs. Culpepper.

Eventually, after a few rounds of voting, we settled on Max.

I love Max a lot.

Max usually sleeps in my bed. I calls Max's bites "kisses" and his scratches "hugs". Max tends to defend himself when I get a little too excited.

And sometimes I trap Max in the entertainment center. Best buddies.



School Days

School started in August and we're all learning a ton!
Quinn's first day of first grade
At the end of the day
A celebratory ice cream
Logan's first day of preschool 

He insisted on taking a picture with his bike, too.

In his classroom

With his friend Kameron

At the end of the day

Logan's first day ice cream

Even Mommy started school

We went to Mommy's school to help her get ready

We'll be in desks this big before you know it!