Friday, October 19, 2012

Rain, School, Soccer, Singing & Stone Mountain

Here are some pictures and videos from Mommy and Daddy's phones from the last few weeks.

It rained pretty hard awhile ago and we ran around in it for a bit.

Here I am singing "This Little Light of Mine"... with feeling.

Here's Logan at CMO- he's in the light blue on the right side of the table. Just hanging out with his friends and Ms. Anne, eating lunch.

And here he is at CMO on the playground. I think he has adjusted to "school" pretty well, don't you?

Here's me watching a video of one of my favorite songs, "Call Me Maybe"
Another season of soccer has started (it's actually half over already). I moved up to the Junior Micro division- it's the big time. Or not. Our team is called "The Mighty Hippopotamuses" and we're doing pretty well. I don't always feel like cooperating at practice or during games, so my performance is a little inconsistent. Oddly, I felt like cooperating on team picture day. Sort of.

Half of my team was out of town this week, but here are some of the Hippos and Coach Drew.

Today, my preschool class went on a field trip to Stone Mountain. Daddy came with us. We did a scavenger hunt and roasted marshmallows and climbed some rocks.

Here's my teacher, Ms. Taube. She found a praying mantis.

Here's my class!

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