Friday, January 7, 2011

I'm Two and a Half!

Ok, I actually turned two and a half in December, but there was a lot going on then. Now that I've got a minute to sit back and relax, I'll give you an update on my stats:
*I am 36 inches tall and weigh 30 pounds.
*I wear 24 month and 2T clothes (even some 18 month shirts still), size 5 diapers and size 7 shoes.
*I have 16 teeth, but not my two-year molars yet.

*I'm putting lots of words together. I think my first sentence (or at least 3 words together) was "Bye, Quinn's house!" I'm starting to use verbs and adjectives a lot more. I used to say "ball" and "dinosaur", but now I say "Kick red ball!" and "Dinosaur get you!" (I like to chase people around with a little dinosaur and have it eat them.)

*I sleep great these days! I go to bed at 8 p.m. and wake up around 8:30 a.m. Lately, I take books to bed with me and then when I wake up in the morning, I stay in bed and read through them. I'm completely content to check out my books until Mommy's ready to get me up. And I get up so happy now! It's working out well for everyone involved. If you listen to the baby monitor carefully in the mornings, you can hear the pages turning and I'll say "The End!" The only downside is I love all my new books and want to take them with me to bed, there's starting to be not enough room for me in there. Here's what my bed looked like this morning.

*I nap for about 3 hours every day now (the books help during naptime, too!) and I wake up hungry and ready to play.

*I'm not such a great eater right now. I get very distracted by everything else going on and I only sit at the table for a few minutes at a time. When I do eat, I like eggs, blueberries, strawberries, string cheese, and corn. When Daddy says it's time for bed, suddenly I get really hungry and I say "Eat more!" and I'll sit down at the table again so I don't have to go up to bed yet.

*I am thoroughly intrigued with cartoon characters right now. My favorites are Buzz Lightyear, Spider-Man, Mickey Mouse, Scooby Doo, Nemo, and of course, Charlie Brown. In most cases, I hadn't ever seen the cartoon the characters were in when I fell in love, I just saw a picture of them and learned their name.

*I know all my letters and sometimes I'll sing parts of the alphabet song. I still won't sing it from beginning to end, but the letters I do say are always in order. For example, I'll say "A, B, C, D, F, G, P, Q, Y, Z!" I really love getting to the Z part, that's my favorite.

*I can recognize my name if I see it written on a piece of paper (or my puzzle, thanks Great-Grandma Maggie!)

*I know lots of shapes and I told Mommy today that my crackers were a circle (Ritz) and a rectangle (graham cracker)! She was pretty impressed.

*I know the numbers 1-10, and sometimes I'll count things. I usually count like this: "2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10".

*I'm starting to use my imagination a lot. I have my cars talk to each other and I have pretend conversations on the phone. Today at the doctor's office, I served Mommy some pretend tea.

*I've started saying "Thank you" without being told! It seems to make people pretty happy.

*I'm not always perfect, though. I don't like being told I can't do something, and sometimes I'll fall on the floor and have a total meltdown. I can also be a bit of a pusher. I get so excited about playing with my friends, sometimes I'll push them down. It seems fun to me, so I'm not exactly sure why they cry when I do it. I go right to time out, though, and usually don't do it again.

*I understand that Mommy has a baby in her belly, but I don't really get what's coming. If you ask me where the baby is, I'll point to Mommy's belly, but I don't talk about the baby otherwise. Today I got a little confused when Mommy said the baby was kicking. I thought she wanted me to kick the baby and I got all ready to do that before she stopped me!

Overall, I'm a pretty cool kid, if I do say so myself!

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