Lately it's been hard to snap a picture of me (maybe because I never stay still for too long), but here are some pictures of me hanging around the house that Mommy did manage to get.
Here's me in my toy basket. I like to empty it out and then sit in it.
Still practicing for the Olympics...
I love my cats! I love to follow them around the house (sometimes while holding on to their tails). I love to pet them. For some reason, Mommy and Daddy keep saying "Gentle!" when I pet them. Lately, I like to show my love by resting my head on their soft fur. Noodle seems to appreciate my attentions, but Calvin tends to stay away.

Just in case my gymnastics career doesn't work out, I've been thinking of becoming a baker. Here I am getting everything organized.
Just in case my gymnastics career doesn't work out, I've been thinking of becoming a baker. Here I am getting everything organized.