First, Mommy and I went to an air show. We got to take a school bus from the parking to the air force base. That part was awesome.
There were a lot of airplanes.
We went with my friend Art. Here we are by a helicopter.

The Blue Angels were really cool but playing with the earplugs came in a close second. They were squishy and bouncy and not just for ears!
Another day we took Mommy to the zoo with our friends, the Flakes. Here we are feeding the parakeets.
Owen and I
Logan and Violet
We also had Mothers' Night at my school recently. My teacher asked us kids some questions about our mommies and she shared them with everyone. Here's what I said about Mommy:
"My mommy's favorite color is purple. When I am at school, my mom likes to go somewhere. My mom likes to play with me when she's at home. Her favorite food is sandwiches. She is 24 years old. My mommy loves to look through binoculars with me!"
I love my mommy!